Enjoying Quiet Moments

Many of us find ourselves feeling rushed with the constant demands that seem impossible to fulfill. Many times it seems difficult to be able to find those quiet moments in which our mind can rest. I often find myself observing my dog in the mornings when I take her out. Dogs are so driven by their senses and I find it fascinating to see all the things that she enjoys taking notice of. The other day she stopped to smell almost every leaf on just one plant. I was so curious as to what she could smell that held her attention. As I watch her curiously in the mornings, I often find myself contemplating the importance of being intentional about enjoying the moment. It seems so hard to find those quiet moments in our busy world. As I go through the day I often think about my dog’s ability to stop and take things in and I find myself inspired to attempt to do the same.

When working with patients who struggle with anxiety, depression, PTSD, TBI, ADHD, chronic pain, or other types of disorders, I have often found that as they they progress through neurofeedback treatment, they often feel like it is a little easier find times in which they can feel more at ease. In fact, when doing my dissertation research on treating the hyperarousal symptoms of PTSD with neurofeedback, one of the first things that people often described was the ability to notice things more objectively instead of being as emotionally reactive as they had been. They described feeling more separate from the emotions that had previously caused them distress. As a result, people found themselves feeling more confident, being better able to make decisions, and described being able to see things with a renewed perspective. Helping people to find the ability to better enjoy the world around them is part of what I do.

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