Every person has their struggles. Humans are capable of adapting easily, even in the harshest conditions. The life we are used to is very fast-paced and it can be overwhelming just to get through the day. You know your strengths and weaknesses best, but some difficulties are hard to manage without professional help.
The first step for improvement is to find the source of the problem. Whether you have issues concentrating or you have been diagnosed with a mental health disorder, it’s important to understand your shortcomings and how your abilities can help you overcome them.
Neuropsychological testing evaluates the way the brain executes tasks while the patient is performing a series of exercises. It monitors the link between psychological functions and certain parts of the brain. This gives an in-depth look at how you think, your ability to process and remember information, and also other aspects such as attention and emotions.
Advantages of Neuropsychological Testing
Neuropsychological evaluations are designed to measure: intelligence, attention, memory, language, executive function (working memory, flexible thinking, attention, emotion regulation, and self-control) the ability to process auditory and visual information, processing speed, and visuospatial ability (capacity to identify visual and spatial relationships among objects). It assists in the diagnosis of ADHD, dementia, Alzheimer’s, autism, and learning disabilities. It is also an indispensable tool that can evaluate people with Parkinson’s disease, stroke, multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury and epilepsy, dementia, and mild cognitive impairment.[1]
Certain disorders can have similar symptoms. A wrong diagnosis comes with the wrong medication for a patient’s needs. This inevitably leads to an ineffective treatment that will cause frustration and loss of hope.
Get a better understanding of the types of neuropsychological tests available for your needs and how to prepare for such an assessment.
Determine Cognitive Strengths and Weaknesses
Neuropsychological testing can be an introspective process that can help you learn more about yourself. What are you naturally good at? What can be improved? These are questions that will provide a great way to cope better with the physical and emotional challenges you go through every day at work or just in your personal life.
Many people are unaware of the fact that they might have an undiagnosed condition. You only know your experience in life, so everything seems normal if you do not have something else to compare it to.
Neuropsychological evaluations are medical assessments that are helpful in monitoring your overall mental health. They are as important as any medical checkup. Get the answers to the most frequent questions patients have about neuropsychological testing.
Improve Academic Achievement
Learning difficulties are a common struggle many people of all ages face. If you find it difficult to pay attention in educational circumstances, or it just seems like it is impossible to learn something new without getting frustrated and angry, there might be a reasonable medical reason behind it. Everything can be solved, but you can’t treat something that you are unaware of.
As a parent, you are involved in your child’s academic journey. Not every student is naturally good in an educational environment, and it’s normal. Every child has a unique set of skills and abilities that has great value.
It is important to be able to distinguish between a child showing signs of a learning disability, or inattention, and when it is a matter of behavior that needs a little more work. Providing the opportunity for your child to test for learning disabilities, autism, and ADHD will help you deal with the issue healthily and appropriately.
Moreover, the assessment will determine if your child needs to opt for a special education program that would be a better choice than a standard learning environment. Find out how to identify the signs of learning disabilities in your child.
Differentiating Disorders With Similar Symptoms
Neurocognitive testing can pinpoint strengths and weaknesses on a cognitive level. It evaluates in detail the ability to perform daily tasks. This meticulous aspect can differentiate mental health disorders from neurological causes. A correct diagnosis offers an efficient treatment and prevents the deterioration of one’s mental state.
Neuropsychological testing has 90% accuracy in detecting Alzheimer’s dementia from non-dementia.[2] Dementia and depression also cause similar difficulties that can be identified and treated correctly as a result of the evaluation process.
Establishing Functioning Capabilities and Legal Precautions
Certain conditions such as dementia and traumatic brain injuries can affect a person’s ability to be independent. It is important to make distinctions that ensure a person’s safety and health.
Traumatic Brain injury can completely change someone’s life. Basic skills can become burdens. Memory loss, problems with sight, academic difficulties, are all results of TBI. These changes can affect one’s emotional and behavioral state to the point of depression.
A clear assessment must be performed for the safety of the patient, and their overall well-being. All the information can be used to improve skills and abilities that have been affected and that might be triggers for mental health conditions.
If you or a loved one experienced a mild brain injury, you have to take certain precautions to have a full and successful recovery.
Neuropsychological evaluations are also used to diagnose dementia. Furthermore, it follows the development of the neurological disorder and the impact that the medication and other treatment methods have on the individual.
The evaluation works as a tool to give independence to the people who have dementia by working on the set of skills that need improvement. These can be of an emotional or behavioral nature, as well as issues related to memory.
At the same time, it provides a safe lifestyle since it can decide one’s ability to perform daily activities that some patients could not be able to do, such as driving, and the making of legal decisions. The cognitive aspects that are measured by neuropsychological tests are also good indicators of an elderly person’s ability to drive.[3]
Monitoring the Effects of the Treatment
Neuropsychological testing is used constantly to monitor a patient’s evolution. People who have experienced brain injury are an example of how the process is used to monitor the efficiency of the treatment, and also to determine when a patient is capable of returning to their normal life. This can mean returning to work, or gaining the ability to do activities that were a legal interdiction for them.[4]
A Journey of Self-Discovery
Neuropsychological testing is not just an evaluation tool. It is a process that gives answers to your problems. It provides the means to treat and overcome physical and mental hurdles that take up a lot of energy in everyday life.
Life is a beautiful journey of self-discovery. Your strengths make you unique and give you the power to develop and get better every single day. On the other hand, weaknesses are learning opportunities that provide valuable lessons for yourself and the people around you. You are better than your weaknesses, you are an inspiration.
Get started today for an experience that will change life as you know it! We are here to help you be the best version of yourself.
[1] Zucchella, C., Federico, A., Martini, A., Tinazzi, M., Bartolo, M., & Tamburin, S. (2018). Neuropsychological testing. Practical Neurology, 18(3), 227–237. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2017-001743
[2] Weissberger, G. H., Strong, J. V., Stefanidis, K. B., Summers, M. J., Bondi, M. W., & Stricker, N. H. (2017). Diagnostic Accuracy of Memory Measures in Alzheimer’s Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Neuropsychology Review, 27(4), 354–388. doi:10.1007/s11065-017-9360-6
[3] Sorbi, S., Hort, J., Erkinjuntti, T., Fladby, T., Gainotti, G., Gurvit, H. (2012). EFNS-ENS Guidelines on the diagnosis and management of disorders associated with dementia. European Journal of Neurology, 19(9), 1159–1179. doi:10.1111/j.1468-1331.2012.03784.x
[4] Mayo, C. D., Scarapicchia, V., Robinson, L. K., & Gawryluk, J. R. (2018). Neuropsychological assessment of traumatic brain injury: Current ethical challenges and recommendations for future practice. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult, 1–9. doi:10.1080/23279095.2017.1416472