“Dr. Bonack is one of a kind. I have PTSD and had run into challenges both physically and emotionally many years prior to finding Dr. Bonack. I saw several Doctors that worked in this field and used similar approaches to treat PTSD. Dr. Bonack was the most approachable and understanding of any of the Doctors that I visited. Not only was she a great communicator but she was the most knowledgeable of all the practitioners I saw and was extremely effective in her approach to treatment of a myriad of symptoms.
Dr. Bonack uses leading technologies and practices in an integrated approach that is impossible to find anywhere else. Her integrated approach using psychotherapy, nerurofeedback, low level laser treatment, brain mapping, and eeg had me feeling better than ever before after completing the recommended treatment plan.
It is now nearly two years later, and I am still in shock at the sustained improvement and function. I have referred numerous people to Dr. Bonack. My son, who does not have PTSD but needed help in focusing and attention at school, was guided by Dr. Bonack to use a home-approved treatment. In less than a week his teacher called my wife and I from school asking what we had changed, where we had found a solution, etc. She wanted to refer several of his peers’ parents to the same solution we were fortunate to have found.
Having looked for help for years, I will be forever grateful for the advice, treatment, and professional friendship I found at Neuro Hope Psychotherapy and Neurofeedback. Keep up the good work Dr. Bonack. Your work changes lives.”
“The first thought that comes to my mind when I think of Dr. Bonack & her team is…THANK you for bringing our son back to himself!! We consulted with Dr. Bonack because our son (now 21) had struggled for years with depression, sleep disruption, general and social anxiety. At times these challenges bubbled up into intense depression with angry outbursts. With those outbursts, his emotions launched from “0-100” in no time flat (at times the cycle happened multiple times in a week). When we tried talking it out, it often escalated in a heated scattered debate relating to everything but the original topic rather than a conversation.
On the outside, he has always been an empathetic, creative, generous guy, well-liked by teachers and others yet on the inside he was suffering deeply. He tried meds & various other therapies. Nothing helped for long.
Starting in late middle school and throughout high school, we were afraid he might resort to suicide because he felt “nothing is going to help anyway…”. Heartbroken seeing him suffer, we felt helpless and hopeless.
None of us saw a way out of the cycle until we heard about Neurofeedback and Zoe. Our son agreed to see her. He began treatment approximately October 2017. His last session was May 2018. Flash forward to July 2018. From the parental viewpoint, change started and has continued from day #1 of treatment (he left home irritable at 8 am for treatment & returned home looking calm, peaceful, friendly). Like any process, there have been occasional setbacks. But those setbacks have NEVER approached the frequency, intensity or quality of the “old patterns”.
We see him talk through a conflict in ways he seemed unable to before treatment. The old confrontational reaction during conflict is extremely rare and we see significantly fewer episodes of depression and anxiety. If any of these old patterns do occur, the quality, duration, and intensity are significantly reduced. He looks more calm and grounded. He talks about his future with interest, excitement & hope.
Our son says this: “The people are really nice, really helpful” and “It’s helped with (managing) stress and sleep. I feel the ‘spin up’ less, I can focus better. It DEFINITELY helped with depression. Yes, it helped with anxiety too but less so, but I also think other stresses are involved with that.”