The Why Behind Neuro Hope

It’s no secret that we are living in challenging times.

In our unpredictable world, we are faced with struggles and uncertainty, as well as stressful and traumatic events almost every day. While we do everything in our power to control the forces of change, there are still several things we do not possess control over. Such as our emotions, our feelings, and the way we may or may not react to circumstances that determine these feelings.

Even for the relatively self-aware and emotionally adept, struggles can take us by surprise and can have a great impact on our mental health.

So, how exactly do we move forward from a mournful situation? How do we feel hopeful again after a traumatic event? How do we regain the will to live when we’ve lost everything?

From Scratch To Hatch: The Story Behind Neuro Hope Psychotherapy

Feeling lost? Don’t worry, we’ve got you!

Here at Neuro Hope, we strongly believe in the power of teamwork when it comes to approaching a problem. Therefore, we have put together a strong and skillful team of compassionate individuals to offer you guidance and support on your journey of recovery. We stick by your side from the moment you first call to schedule an appointment until the very end of our mission.

However, you might ask yourself how did it all begin and what led to the birth of our clinic?

For starters, let me give you a little insight into my life.

Ever since I can recall, I’ve had a knack for listening to and guiding people through darkness.  What led me to pursue a career in psychotherapy was mainly shaped by my desire to help people rather than let them “figure it out” on their own.

If I were to answer the question “Why did I become a therapist?” I would say that my past experiences led me to become a therapist in the first place. I am human too, and I have fought my battles not always with ease but with much hope and determination to do better.

Like many other professionals, my work had me providing countless hours of psychotherapy to clients, which was very effective for some of them, but not for all of them. I was always on the verge of finding new and compelling methods to help the people who came to me with a desperate urge to feel better. Luckily, as I was practicing in neurofeedback, which basically is a way to train your brain wave activity, I came across the fantastic benefits this procedure has to offer and the way it can help when therapy is no longer effective.

Needless to say, from that moment on, I knew exactly that neurofeedback is what I am put on this earth to do.

My interest in neuropsychological testing began while in school. I will never forget this little girl that I worked with who had been diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder. During testing this little girl could not sit still. She bounced on the couch, laid on the floor with her foot on the table while I asked her questions, and was always on the move. Because of neuropsychological testing, I was able to help this family better understand what was going on with their daughter, who had ADHD and depression. Being able to help people understand their strengths and help them put the puzzle of their experiences together is extremely gratifying. Since that time, I have enjoyed working with all ages in helping them put the pieces of their puzzle together so that they have a better understanding of who they are and to better see their strengths.

It’s beautiful the way the therapeutic process works. If I and the whole team here at Neuro Hope can help one client to live a joyful life, or can learn one more lesson from a client which we can, later on, pass on to the other one, our job is done. Why? Because we are all in this together, learning and growing with each other, and the outcome is utterly amazing.

The Reason Why “Hope” Is Part Of Our Clinic’s Name

Did this take you by surprise? We believe not.

There are not enough places where people can come to breathe, to heal, to experience unconditional acceptance, guidance and positive reflection of who they really are and how truly great they can be.

Story Behind Neuro Hope

When we’ve lost all hope in ourselves and in recovery, a part of us never actually wants to recover anymore. Recovery can be a terrifying thing. We tend to think of our misfortune like a blanket that we keep wrapping around us so we can use it as an excuse when things fall out of place. Let’s face it, trying new things after countless failures can be exhausting and it usually dries up our will to try again.

However, what we don’t understand is that by not wanting to try again, we risk losing even more.

Here at Neuro Hope, we like to emphasize the importance of hope, and how by not losing that hope we can reach the end of the tunnel.

We are here because we want to walk by your side in this journey of life and impart hope in order for you to be able to see the bigger picture. We can encourage you. We can teach you, just have hope and trust the process.

They Say One Can Never Understand Someone’s Pain, Unless They’re The Ones Feeling It

One may truly sympathize or even shed tears as you express your emotions but it is not due to actually feeling the same pain. We are human and at times, we have lost our hope. We have felt like we are drowning and no one can save us.

That is the reason why our team is different from the ones you’ve encountered so far. We are dedicated to helping you, and we have the means to do it because we know exactly what agony, confusion, depression, and stress can feel like.

What you’ll find here is a helping hand that will provide you consistency and stability while you navigate the hard stuff. What you’ll find here is the potential of what you could be, and we’ll get you there. Our personal experiences and struggles of others have led us to establish this clinic that serves like a sanctuary, a place where you can feel safe.

Let’s take a step together towards wholeness, ensure our survival, and create the life you only dreamed was possible.

Call us today!